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Motion Libraries

Library overview


Energy Management

Version 40bd01


This library enables the user to control the BM51xx power unit.

Included modules

  • TB_Energymanagement_BM51: The function block is used to control the BM51xx active front end unit.
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Version 40bd01


This library provides functions to take the control about a master and slave configuration with multi winding motors.

Included modules

  • TB_MasterSlaveControl: This module controls the master-slave configuration.
  • TB_MasterSlaveInit: This function block is used to activate the master-slave function in the drive.
  • TB_MultiWindingControl: This function block switches the slave windings of a multi-winding motor, depending on the master winding (winding 1).

Motion Manager

Version 40bd01


This library provides functions to run different Motion functions.

Included modules

  • TB_MotionHandler_CY: The module is used for simple and fast use of many motion modules that must run in the Cyclic Task.
  • TB_MotionHandler_EV: The MotionHandler_EV is used for the simple and fast use of many motion modules that must run in the Event Task.

Winder functions

Version 40bd01


In this library are different functions implemented, which are necessary for a winding machine

Included modules

  • TB_Detect_Rd: The function block detects the position and delivers a puls per each round of motor.
  • TB_KS_Factor: This FB results in the Ks factor depending on the actual diameter.
  • TB_Tension_Reduc: This function block gives out the tension and the torque depending on the actual diameter.

Scalable curves

Version 40bd02


This library is used to generate scalable curves for an axis and to move them synchronously to a master position. This can also be used to carry out superimposed additional positioning.

Included modules

  • TB_CamAdd: This module creates cyclical target positions in user units. This is used in conjunction with TB_CamStretch.
  • TB_CAmGetPos: This module determines the axis position of a curve to a master position.
  • TB_CamStretch: This module generates synchronous movements from scalable curves.
  • TB_Spline: This function block creates a support point table with normalised curve support points using a cubic spline.
  • TB_PosRel: This block performs relative positioning with given max. acceleration/deceleration and velocity. The movement parameters are specified in user units.

EtherCAT variant handling

Version 40bd01


This library is used to influence the arrangement of the slaves connected to an EtherCAT network.

Included modules

  • TB_ECT_Manager: This module makes it possible to influence the arrangement of the slaves when starting the field bus. Slaves can also be declared as optional. This allows, for example, a maximum number of slaves to be configured, but these can be adjusted and rearranged via the software at runtime.

EtherCAT diagnosis

Version 40bd02


This library is used to provide diagnostic options for an EtherCAT network in a Baumüller PLC.

Included modules

  • TB_ECT_Diagnosis: This module provides diagnostic options of an EtherCAT bus system for the PLC project. Information (current status, error information) of the EtherCAT master, the EtherCAT kernel used and each EtherCAT slave is made available. The assignment to each slave is made on the basis of its node ID. For the sake of simplicity, a bit is also output which reports a functioning field bus.

Recipe management

Version 40bd01


This library provides the recipe management for Baumüller controllers.

Included modules

  1. TB_RecipeHandler: This module provides recipe management for Baumüller controllers. Recipes can be created, deleted, copied and renamed.


Version 40bd02


This library is used to measure lengths and / or distances with the help of the fast digital converter input.

Included modules

  • TB_Tpmeasure_Init: This module initialises the TB_Tpmeasure module.
  • TB_Tpmeasure: This block enables the measurement of distances and/or lengths. The measuring probe function in the drive is required for this.
  • TF_Tpmeasure: This block is an auxiliary block for the FB TB_Tpmeasure (HL / LH, encoder).

Cam switch

Version 40bd01


With this library, different cams can be used, such as timed cams or cams with a defined switch-on and switch-off time.

Included modules

  • TB_CamSwitch: The module can be used to create a cam that triggers an event at a cam position. The cam can be pre-controlled in time to compensate for dead times.
  • TB_Channel: The function block Channel realises a cam with switch-on and switch-off point via the detected position. The change of these inputs is possible online. The FB Channel can be used for clockwise rotation, counterclockwise rotation and reversing operation. Several cams can be realised by using several Channel function blocks.
  • TB_Channel_Time: The function block ChannelTime realises a cam with switch-on point via the detected position in increments and switch-off time via a switch-on time set at the input.

Temperature Control

Version 40bd01


This library is used to control thermally inert systems. Four different data sets can be used for cooling and heating. The modules also generate PWM signals that can be used to control the heating elements.

Included modules

  • TB_TCtrl_PIDT1: This function block uses an IDT1 controller to control a temperature.
  • TB_TCtrl_PWM: This function block generates PWM signals.


Version 40bd01


This library provides different referencing methods of the inverter on an MC axis. It is supplied as standard with the Engineering Framwork ProMaster.

Included modules

  • TB_Home1: This block references an MC axis with the mode “Referencing to a device-side limit switch of the traverse”.
  • TB_Home2: This function block references an MC axis with the mode “Referencing to the encoder zero track/angle”.
  • TB_Home3: This function block references an MC axis with the mode “Referencing to a device-side reference switch in the travel path”. Mode 4 of the MC module MC_HomeInit_HomeSwitch must be used.
  • TB_Home4: This function block references an MC axis with the mode “Referencing to a device-side reference switch in the travel path”. Mode 4 of the MC module MC_HomeInit_HomeSwitch must be used.
  • TB_Home5: This function block references an MC axis with the mode “Referencing to a device-side reference switch in the travel path”. Mode 5 of the MC module MC_HomeInit_HomeSwitch must be used.
  • TB_Home6: This function block references an MC axis with the mode “Referencing to a device-side reference switch in the travel path”.
  • TB_Home99: This function block references an MC axis with the reference mode set in the controller.
  • TB_Init: This function block sets the basic mechanical parameters of an MC axis.
  • TB_Manual_Init: This function block converts the parameters for manual operation of the axis module. Manual operation was implemented with MC_MoveVelocity. This module enables the G-code buffer to be read from the MC_MovePath device.

Motion extension

Version 40bd01


This library extends the existing motion methods within the control. It is supplied as standard with the ProMaster engineering framework.

Included modules

  • TB_DriveEncoder: This module connects a technology function with an MC axis. A setpoint is transformed with a transmission ratio and its position setpoint is transmitted to the axis.
  • TB_VirtualDriveEncoder: Generates a motion control axis from a speed in user units and the mechanical actual position of the axis in user units.
  • TB_DriveState: This function block makes the status of the drive available.
  • TB_EncoderActPos: This module generates the mechanical actual position from the incremental position of a connected encoder.
  • TB_GetPosABsEnc: This function block calculates the mechanical position of the axis in user units from the current position of an absolute encoder.
  • TB_MasterEncoder: This block generates a master position and speed in user units of an MC axis.
  • TB_MasterEngine: This function block generates a virtual master.
  • TB_MechActPos: This function block generates the actual mechanical position in user units from the MC axis.
  • TB_PhysicalEncoder: This module generates the actual mechanical position in user units from the incremental positions of a connected encoder. This is output as an MC axis.
  • TB_Result: This decodes the statuses of the axis modules. This makes the entire status of the drive available.

Flying Saw

Version 40bd01


This library is used when a linear axis is to be synchronized with a master position.
For example, a slave axis that is in rest is accelerated in such a way that it moves synchronously with the master at a predetermined position.

Included modules

  • TB_SyncLin_Init: This module initialises the TB_SyncLin module.
  • TB_SyncLin: This block creates a synchronous movement of linear axes to a master position. This block creates a synchronous movement of rotative axes to a master position. This decodes the statuses of the axis modules. This makes the entire status of the drive available.


Version 40bd02


This library is used when a rotary axis is to be synchronized to a master position. For example, a slave axis that is in rest is accelerated so that it moves synchronously with the master at a predetermined position.

Included modules

  • TB_SyncRot_Init: This module initialises the TB_SyncRot module.
  • TB_SyncRot: This block creates a synchronous movement of rotative axes to a master position. This decodes the statuses of the axis modules. This makes the entire status of the drive available.

Bit masking

Version 40bd02


This library provides various functions for bit masking.

Included modules

  • TF_A_BOOL_TO_DWORD: This function block converts an array of Boolean values into a DWORD expression.
  • TF_BITS_OF_BYTE: This function block masks out individual bits from a BYTE expression.
  • TF_BITS_OF_DWORD: This function block masks out individual bits from a DWORD expression.
  • TF_BITS_OF_WORD: This function block masks individual bits from a WORD expression.
  • TF_BITS_TO_BYTE: This block merges bits into a BYTE expression.
  • TF_BITS_TO_DWORD: This block merges bits into a DWORD expression.
  • TF_BITS_TO_WORD: This block merges bits into a WORD expression.
  • TF_DWORD_TO_A_BOOL: This function block stores the bits of a DWORD in a Boolean array.
  • TB_FIRST_S_BIT_OF_DWORD: This function module extracts the rightmost set bit from a DWord.
  • TB_LAST_S_BIT_OF_DWORD: This function module extracts the leftmost set bit from a DWord.


Version 40bd07


This library provides basic blocks and functions, some of which are also used by advanced libraries. This is delivered with the engineering framework ProMaster as standard.

Included modules

  • TB_DriveReadError: This function block enables the reading of controller errors.
  • TB_FIFO: This block stores sequential data sets according to the FIFO principle (First In First Out).
  • TB_NormCamCreate: This function block creates the interpolation point table of the standard curves for use in other technology blocks.
  • TB_PosAdd: This module creates cyclical target positions in user units. The module is to be executed in conjunction with TB_SyncRot or TB_SyncLin.
  • TB_ShiftReg: This block represents a shift register.
  • TB_SlipCtrl: This block enables compensation of slip in feed systems.
  • TB_SyncCam_Init: This block replaces the synchronous movement of TB_SyncLin and TB_SyncRot, thus the block can also be used in non-linear mechanics.
  • TB_TimeToTravel: The block calculates the travel distance in units that an axis covers during a certain time.
  • TF_Blinker: This technology function implements an indicator with separately adjustable duration for on and off.
  • TB_DriveReadConfig: The module reads specific parameters of a drive via demand data.
  • TB_StateMonitor_IAX: This function block enables the monitoring and logging of the states of a state machine.
  • TB_ReadGCodeBuffer: This module enables the G-code buffer to be read from the MC_MovePath device.
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